13 Assassins


13 Assassins is a movie that takes place during the eighteen-forties. Japan was going through a time of peace. This was during the final years of the samurai. Lord Matsudaira Naritsugu is the younger brother of the current Shogun. He is a very evil man in nature. Matsudaira likes to do whatever he pleases without any care as to it effects other people around him. Sir Doi Toshitsura is a government official. He is both concerned and aware of an increasing danger. He feels that this danger is approaching quickly and will do whatever it takes to keep Naritsugu form ascending to another rank in the governmental system. Sir Doi quickly hires an assassin to kill Naritsugu to prevent the impending danger although Naritsugu's guards learn of the hire. The assassin hires eleven more samurai who both himself and Sir Doi can trust. The twelve plan to attack their target on the long journey from Edo to his home.