Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings

Horror Thriller
Release Date/Year

For the fans of the Wrong Turn series, the premise of the newest installment will seem pretty familiar: teens go in the woods, stumble upon evil mutant rednecks, and things don't end well for the teens. Bloody Beginnings gives those fans exactly what they want, with the mayhem and horror the series has become known for. But, Bloody Beginnings actually is a step away from the basic formula established in the original Wrong Turn (2003), this time putting most of the action in an abandoned sanatorium in West Virginia. Fans of the series will remember bad things tend to happen out there in West Virginia, people tend to die at the hands of mutant killer backwoods folks. This time, those backwoods Virginian cannibals happen to be in the aforementioned sanatorium, where our hapless teenagers happen to end up stranded after a snow mobile misadventure. From there of course, we are treated to a series of scenes depicting the death/general maiming of the teens at the hands of the cannibals hiding out in the creepy old sanatorium.